Hi! I'm Danielle. Welcome to Reinventing-U!
You have one life to live. You want to spend it working at something you enjoy.
Most people I encounter today tell me they want to live a life that has meaning – meaning for them. This can be different for every single person.
Ultimately, the only way to enjoy what you do is to do YOU.
And to do YOU starts with being clear on who you are and what your vision is.
Featured in Groom as one of the top 5 career counsellors in Montreal

When WHAT you do matches WHO you are

"You have to have a dream, because if you don’t have a dream, how can you make a dream come true?” This line from the musical South Pacific says it all. Whether your vision of the future is clear or not, we can work together to discover, create, or refine it.

You have your vision. You know what you want to do. Here is where we look at what is stopping you from achieving that vision while also defining what you need in order to get there. What resources, people, and systems will you need to put in place?

Your plans are made. You know where you’re going. Now is the time to implement them. What are your timelines? What will you do to ensure your success? We’ll put these in place to make sure you accomplish your goals.

And then...
In today’s world of constant evolution, we need to keep monitoring what we do to make sure that the changes that are going on around us don’t affect our present and our future.
How do you ensure ongoing success?

It takes courage, determination, and the ability to accept change and to take care of yourself in the process in order to move in the direction of your vision.
I’m here to support you in finding and implementing that vision.
People come to me because they’re unhappy in their jobs.
Like them, are you exhausted before the day even begins?
Are you working for a company where...

You don't feel valued

Too much is on your plate

You're in a role you don't enjoy

You have no input into decision-making

You have no clear career path

You find yourself getting frustrated easily for no good reason
You may be thinking:

So what's the answer?
Well, it depends!
And it's a PROCESS.
The process is LIFE.
The process is finding out WHO you are.
What's holding YOU back?
Do you lack motivation?
Is it that you don’t know what to do?
You could be working for a very large conglomerate or a public company where the red tape, bureaucracy, and slow decision-making are wearing you down. But you don’t know what else to do and you’re afraid of leaving for fear of losing their security.
Or you suddenly realize that the work you’re doing has no meaning for you; and you question what your values are.
Or perhaps you’ve just been let go, usually from a job that made you miserable anyway.
Are you Exhausted? Frustrated? Angry? Depressed? Afraid?

We are living in a world that is in constant change. A world that is in fact chaotic and unstable. Where things are non-linear and sometimes incomprehensible.
We are, understandably ANXIOUS.

The answer to that anxiety is to embrace change.
To make it a part of your life, to develop an immune system called Reinvention, which, like nature, renews itself over and over, developing skills that will help you survive and thrive, understanding the changes that are going on around you and adapting in a way that works for you.
It’s not about WHAT you do.
The process is about finding out who you are and who you are becoming, while you do
whatever it is you do.
Because, when you do YOU, you are living your vision. It’s what you’re meant to be doing.
THAT is job security.
It’s also happiness and joy and living your LIFE PURPOSE.
I’m here to help you navigate these disruptions so you can lead a life filled with happiness, fulfillment and purpose.